صفحه اصلی محتوای آموزشی مشاهده محتوای آموزشی

نمونه سوال درس دوم سال دوم دبیرستان

سوالات زبان انگليسي ـ  سال دوم دبيرستان ـ  درس (2)



1- پاسخ سوالهاي ستون A  را از ستون B  انتخاب كرده و در نقطه چينها بنويسيد. ( يك پاسخ اضافه است )

                      A                                                                                      B               


1- How many children are playing football ?  …………….                      a) Nothing                   

2- How much tea did she drink  ?  …………….                                    b) where

3- Where could he find his umbrella ?  …………….                              c) A little

4- What have you done today ? ………………                                      d) No one

5- Who has cleaned the room ?  ………………                                     e)  A few

                                                                                                    f) Nowhere     

2- مناسب ترين گزينه را انتخاب كنيد.

1- I have run out of money . I can’t  buy ……………………

a) something                 b)  everything                 c) anything                       d) nothing

2- I can’t come to see you because I haven’t got ………….. time .

a) many                        b) much                      c) some                            d) no

3- Please give me ……………….. bread . I’m very hungry .

a) some                         b) any                        c) many                            d) no

4- I sit on this bench and my friends ……………………….. on the  other bench .

a) sit                              b) sits                        c) sat                               d) to sit

5- There were no …………………. in the spaceship .

a) child                          b) man                      c) women                        d) woman

6- Reza wanted the book .  So his mother bought it for ……………....

a) his                             b) him                       c)  her                             d) hers

7- These pencils are ………………….not mine .

a)  his                             b) her                       c) your                            d) their

8- The distance ………………. my house to my friend’s house is 100 meters .

a) for                             b) from                      c) with                            d) like

3- جملات زير را با استفاده از معلومات خود كامل كنيد.

1- A ……………… is a thing that we use for taking photographs .

2- There are ……………….. centimeters in one meter .

3- A …………….. is a person who takes photographs .

4- A person who works on a ship is a …………………. .


4- متضاد هر يك از لغات ستون A  را از ستون B پيدا كنيد.

                _____A_____                                                      _____B_____               

1. few                           ……………….                                  a) happy

2. little                          ……………….                                 b) short

3. first                           ……………….                                 c) warm

4. begin                        ……………….                                 d) much

5. weak                        ……………….                                  e) last

6. asleep                      ……………….                                  f) found

7. cool                         ……………….                                  g) strong

8. sorry                        ……………….                                  h) many

9.lost                           ……………….                                  i) awake

10. long                       ……………….                                  j) finish

5- جاي خالي را با حروف مناسب كامل كنيد.

1. He ch _ ng _ d  the bi _ l for me .

2. He asked p _ lit _ ly for some sug _ r .


6- جاي خالي را با كلمات داده شده پر كنيد.

( like - lots of - mine - navy - ours - photographer - plants - life - rather - rock – Russian )  

1- I can’t  stay in this class . It’s ………….. hot .

2- I have …………….. work to do this evening .

3- Trees , flowers and vegetables are ……………

4- I would like to find a job in the ………….. , I like to work on the sea .

5- When she was a little girl , she had a hard ………………

6- The boy threw a ………………. through the window .

7- Whose watches are these ?   - They are our watches . They are …………..

8- The …………….. spaceship went around the earth .

9- It is my car. It’s ………….


7- به جاي Any  از no استفاده كنيد.

1- I don’t see any bread on the table .

2- We couldn’t  see any clouds in the sky .

3- He hasn’t eaten anything for days .

4- She didn’t see anybody .

5- I know they won’t  make any mistakes .


8- كلمات مناسب را در جاي خالي قرار دهيد.

1- It’s not my bicycle . It is …………….  

a) him                        b) me                         c) hers                             d)  them

2- Is this your cassette or ………………. ?

a) their                       b) him                         c) his                              d) them

3- She was ……………….. a pen in her hand .

a) giving                     b) holding                    c) facing                       d) wearing

4- We grow …………… rice in the north of Iran .

a) a lots of                  b) lots                           c) lot of                       d) lots of


9- كلمات را مرتب كنيد.

1. space / now / know / and / we / about / moon / a lot


2. windows / there / two / room / your / are / in .




10- با توجه به مفهوم جملات گزينه مناسب را انتخاب كنيد.


1- The moon goes around the earth and both of them go around the sun , This sentence means that ……………………. .

a) The sun goes around the earth .

b) The earth goes around the sun.

c) The moon and the earth go around the sum .

d) Both the sun and the earth go round the moon .


2- Now you know what people who lived before 1959 , didn’t know . You know what’s on both sides of the moon . We can say that people who lived before 1959 ………………..


a)  knew what was on both sides of the moon .

b) had not seen the other side of the moon .

c) had no knowledge about the moon .

d) all of the above .


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