صفحه اصلی محتوای آموزشی مشاهده محتوای آموزشی

نمونه سوال دی ماه
املاء :کلمات مشخص شده زیر را کامل کنید. (3 نمره)
1 : He  too k the puzzle ( ap_rt ) .
2 : The man gives her a( r_ward .)
3: She picked up the ( _nife )
4: Both of my brothers are in the ( n – vy ).
5 , 6 : The( hol_ s ) were made by very big( r_cks .)
7, 8 :  Cars( spe – d)  over ( hi_hways )
9, 10 : The ( rus_ion ) ( spaces_ip ) went around the moon .
11,12 : They are going to build a( lang_ag_  ) lab and we will listen to the ( t_p_ s )  there.
        A: جملات زیر را  با لغات داده شده کامل کنید . (4 نمره )
      Cage _ give back _sugar _mountain _other _all day long _hammer _stone _toy
1) He hurt his thumb with a …………. .
2 ) This bridge is made of ……… .
3) He bought a ………. train for his son .
4) The wild animals are in the …………
5) We’ve run out of ……….so we can’t make a cake .
6) I will…………….the book to the library ,soon .
7) It has tall ……….. and flat places .
8) I  sit on this bench . My friend sits on the ………. bench .


B : با دانش خود کامل کنید . ( 1 نمره )  
9 ) A ………….. is a person that takes photographs .
10 ) َA person who works in a ship is called a/ an   ………….
C : گزینه درست را انتخاب کنید . ( 2    نمره )
11) She  wanted  to buy a …………. of matches
a) bottle           b) jar            c) box     d) loaf
12) Small boats have ……….
a)  sails          b)faces   c) hands    d) legs
 13 ) Don't you want to …………… the money you borrowed from me? .
a. take of       b ) give back     c ) put on    d ) come back
14 ) The earth moves ………. the sun .
a) around       b ) behind       c )above     d )inside 
D: متضادواژگان زیر را بیابید .(1 نمره )
15. They were enemies .But now they are …………..                   a . fat
16 . The opposite of clean is …………..                                      b. friends
                                                                                                     c. dirty
ساختار دستوری :  A.     باتوجه به کلمات داخل پرانتز پاسخ دهید .( 2 نمره )
17 . Why was she so happy ? ( get good marks ) ………………………………………………
18. What did you eat for lunch ? ( anything ) …………………………………….
B. گزینه درست را انتخاب کنید .(  2 نمره ) 
19. That is the man …………… works in the factory.
a. who                 b. whom                c. which         d. when
20 . She ………….. the dishes before they arrived .
a .washed               b had washed      c. washes       d .wash
21. They had ……….. money to make a building.
a. any                        b. not                  c. no              d. very
22.Whose book is this ? _ It’s ………
a. him                      b. her                   c. our               d. hers

C.    با کلمات در هم ریخته زیر جملات درست بسازید .( 2 نمره )

23. in _ there is _milk _ the bottle _no . …………………………………
24. I _ sad _ was_ because_ had read  _ I _a sad story . ……………………………..
 . دو جمله ی زیر را ترکیب کنید . ( 1 نمره   D                                                                
25 . This is a girl . I met  her  last week . …………………………………….                                                                              
E. با توجه به تصویر به سوال پاسخ دهید ( 1 نمره )
26 . Which car is new ?
نقش های زبانی : گفتگو های زیر را کامل کنید . ( 3   نمره )
27 .A: Would you mind opening the window ?                                           B : Not …………………..
28 .A : Thank' s so ………..                                                                     B: You’re welcome           
29 . A : Would you mind not writing here ?                                               B : Oh,……                       
30. A : How much does a kilo of rice ………?                              B : Oh , about 1 000 toman I think .
31 . A: And what about the onions  ?                                             B:         ……………400.        
32 . A: How much is ………. altogether ?                                    B : That’ll be 1400  .
 تلفظ : کلمات متفاوت از نظر تلفظ حرف مصوت را مشخص کنید . (1 نمره )
33 . too , soon , use , blue
34 . how, caw, load , loud 

J: پاراگراف های زیر را بخوانید و گزینه درست را انتخاب کنید. (2 نمره )

35. 'The same side of the moon faces the Earth all the time . For this reason ………. ……..from the earth.
.a. no one can see the other side of the moon .
b. both sides of the moon can be seen
c. We can’t see any sides of the moon
d. everyone can see the other side of the moon               
36)' The toy town was made for girls who love doll houses and boys who play with toy trains . And for every man and woman who remembers being a child .' According to this paragraph toy town …………
       a) is only for boys who love toys                                        b) is made for toy people
      c) is made both for children and for men and women         d ) is made just for girls
K : درک مطلب :   (comprehension )
متن زیر را با دقت بخوانید و به سوالات مربوط به آن به صورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهید .
Dr . Eckstein spent a lot of his time studying animals . In one of his books he has written something that gives us reason to think if animals can really think for themselves . Let's begin with what he learned about Willy . Willy is the name of a cat which lived next door . One day Dr . Eckstein noticed that Willy came out from his house every Monday at 20: 45. At first it was very strange . He followed the cat every Monday and he noticed that the cat went to a hospital and went to the room of nurses where each Monday night nurses had a meeting and ate together . He understood that the cat really knew the time for eating . That story taught the Dr. that animals can really think.  
1) جملات درست را با True و. جملات نادرست را با False   مشخص کنید ( 1 نمره )              
37) The cat went to the hospital every Monday   .
38) All nurses had meeting on Monday morning .
2) پاسخ کامل بدهید.   ( 4 نمره )              39) What is Willy ? ……………………                                                                                                  
    40) Why did Willy leave his house on Mondays ? ………………………….                                                                                                
41) Who followed the cat ?.........................................    
42) what did the doctor learn?
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